Monday, May 25, 2009

I have not forgotten you!

Oh, my! I have so much to blog about, but don't really have the time right now! Hopefully, I will get to it soon. I'm sure you all think I have forgotten you - but, I have not! This has been a wonderful weekend full of family, friends and productivity!! We are working on the girls a swingset. It has been so much fun working with Big Mac doing this together. :) We work very well together and enjoy spending the time together. I hope to have some pics on here soooon!!!

Well, I must get busy again for now. Much love to all of you!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More Birthday Pictures!

Hey, That's ME!!!!

 has been a busy week or so. First off, I hope all the mothers reading this had a wonderful and blessed Mother's Day! Being a Mom is the most difficult, yet rewarding, job there is! I am so thankful for my Mom and all she does for me and my family!

Praise the Lord!! The fever stayed away. Knock on wood, Princess KG and I have not gotten the horrible cootie that was lurking around a few weeks ago. :) Currently, we are all well in the house! YAY!!!

This weekend was my oldest baby's birthday! Such a big girl she is becoming. I don't know how she grew up so fast when all I did was blink after bringing her home from the hospital. She will always be my baby no matter how old she gets! I love her so much and am so thankful that the good Lord saw fit to bless me with her (and her sister)! She is now the ripe old age of 5 (when she says it she quickly spreads all her fingers out like she's sprinkling fairy dust and smiles with such a beautiful smile and a twinkle in her eye)! On Thursday, she received her very own package in the mail from her Mimi & G-Dad! To say she was ecstatic is an understatement. I asked her to look at the label on the box and tell me whose name was on it. She said, "Umm, it says Princess KG. *she smiles*; HEY, THAT'S ME!!! *ginormous grin*" Thank you Mimi & G-Dad for absolutely making her day!!!

On Sunday, she woke to find 5 balloons in her room and a metallic purple door curtain (she loved it and it was not pink because they didn't have a pink one at the store - boo!). We had a very small party with just immediate family after church. She had a Giant Pink Cupcake Cake - because, as we all know, pink IS her color! She loved every minute of it. In Sunday School that morning, she and I got to spend time together during Muffins for Mom at church. It was so special and a time I will always remember. She got way too many presents and loves them all!! Thank you to everyone who gave her something. We appreciate it so much! Her little sister made the day all about Princess KG and her birthday. She was so sweet to be so caring and unselfish. I LOVE my children beyond words, thoughts, and feelings. Being their Mom is the best thing that ever happened to me - equal, of course to meeting and marrying my very best friend in the world! I am so blessed.

Love and God Bless to All!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tomorrow is D-Day...

Tomorrow is D-Day. I'll be holding my breath until Princess KG gets up in the morning. Thursdays the past two weeks have not gone well for us. The first Thursday Big Mac got sick, the next Thursday Princess KF got sick. I'm really hoping it will skip right over Princess KG!!! It has been a busy few days. I had Bible Study last night. We are doing Beth Moore's Believing God study and it is awesome! I'm learning so much and really enjoying sharing that time with the other wonderful ladies in my group. Tonight, we took the girls to Cubbies - their last official night before the Awards next Wednesday. I don't know how I'm going to get the girls to accept that Awanas will be over for the year. They are going to be super sad!! I'm sure we'll get through it with many promises of Awanas to come next year and finding something else to get them involved in.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this blog and letting me share with you. Please, take a look at the link below and add this child to your daily prayer list. Her name is Ansley and she's 7 months old. She is so precious, has been diagnosed with an Optic Pathway Glioma and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. Please remember her and her family.

Only 3 more days and my baby will be turning 5! *sniff, sniff* Where has the time gone? I'm so thankful to God for blessing us with her. She is so beautiful and amazing!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Fever, be gone!

Today has been a much better day at the McClary household! Princess KF has had no fever since 12:45 a.m. last night! Praise the Lord! She had run fever for 4 straight days, sometimes up to 104 degrees. No sooner than I had posted yesterday that she had no fever, she spiked up to 104. I'm now officially convinced that she has whatever Mac had because she has followed the same pattern he did. Now if Princess KG and I can just stay well! Princess KG will be turning 5 on Sunday and I really don't want either of us to be sick on her Birthday and Mother's Day. We've pretty much taken it easy around here today. I've been working on the laundry. Speaking of which, why can't clothes stay clean longer than they do? There is ALWAYS laundry! Both Princess KG and Princess KF are going through a stage right now too. They only want to wear one dress every day and only sleep in one specific nightgown every night. Needless to say, I've been washing the fool out of those. Nanny made each of the girls a dress and gave it to them, I think, 2 weeks ago. Out of the past 2 weeks, they have not worn their dresses for 3 days! Both of them are also stuck on sleeping in their princess nightgowns! I remember having favorite things like that when I was a kid. I think it is too sweet and I realize these moments with my girls will pass all too quickly!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Can I do this?

Am I a blogger? I'm not sure. I wonder if I have enough to say or if there is enough going on in our lives to warrant a blog. We are all at home together 24/7 and love it that way! Big Mac works from home and I am a stay-at-home Mom. Neither of our daughters are in school yet, and Treyburg lives with his Mom in Georgia. I'm not used to sharing so much of myself so we'll see how this goes. I have to admit, I'm a little excited about the process and about being able to share our everyday life with the family we don't see often and the family that lives so far away. :)

To start, we've had a rough few weeks. Big Mac was so sick with a nasty virus, we had Princess KF dedicated at church (my sweet baby is growing up!), and now Princess KF has been sick with the same nasty virus since Thursday. Today is the first day she has seemed "normal" and not been running a fever. Princess KG has been such a sweet big sister and little Mommy helping look after her sister. On a side note, we were in the backyard last week and the girls found a patch of "pole leaf flovers" (four leaf clovers - they were actually only three leaf clovers). The things they say crack me up!!! Kids are truly a blessing from God and I'm so blessed!

Here's a picture from the baby dedication. We are 2nd from the left.

Here's the Pole Leaf Flover video ~