Monday, November 23, 2009

Which FINALLY brings us to the present!

WAHOOOO! I am finally caught up! I hated being so far was just hanging over my head like a black cloud. Boo...but it's gone now! I am sitting here in Mimi's kitchen about to go to bed!!!! We are spending the week here for Thanksgiving! It is going to be so nice to see everyone again. The trip over wasn't too bad...but could have been better. Our kids get car we had puke in every state between here and there!!! YUCK-O. The drive wasn't bad though...we left at 4:45 am and got here shortly before 6 pm. I can't believe it is Thanksgiving already and Christmas is right around the corner...I am looking forward to getting the tree out and decorating the house when we get back home!

Happy Turkey Day everyone! I am so thankful for God, my family, and friends! Love you all!


Crafts from School!

The girls made their own "Indian Vests and Headbands" in celebration of the first Thanksgiving Day with the Pilgrims and Indians. Just had to share....


This year was the first year that I've let the girls go through a catalog of costumes and pick out what they wanted to be. It was SO fun...they looked and looked through the book!! Princess KG decided to be a Love Bug and Princess KF was a pink SuperGirl. We spent the day making and decorating cookies and a birthday cake for my grandmother whose birthday was a few days after Halloween. We then went Trick-Or-Treating in the neighborhood and that was our Halloween. The girls had a blast! :)

Talent Show!!

We had a Talent Show at Church. My girls are in the Praise Kids Choir! Their group performed "If I were A Butterfly!" Too stinkin' cute...all those little sparkly faces singing at the top of their lungs and loving every minute of it! The costumes were AMAZING!! I had a little Butterfly & a little Flower. :)

How could you not love these faces???

Pssst...Princess KF put on her own lipstick!

God has blessed me abundantly!

I am so thankful for the blessings in my life. There are times in life when certain things happen that you just can't help but stop and realize just how good you have it. Recently, Big Mac & I were overjoyed to find out we were pregnant again. We had hoped to have more children...they are truly a blessing from the Lord and we aren't getting any younger either! I was sure it was going to be a boy this time, I was struggling with the nausea a LOT worse than with my other two. At 8 weeks & 3 days, we were diagnosed with a blighted ovum...there was no baby. I had been pregnant, but the baby was absorbed by my body, probably due to a chromosomal abnormality per the dr. Through it all, God was with me every step of the way. As I sat in the dr's office waiting for my ultrasound, I just knew something was probably not right. Song after song of God's goodness and mercy flooded through my mind as if He was preparing me, holding me, sustaining me with His unending mercy and love. Sure enough, my fears were confirmed, but all I could think of were the two beautiful little girls that God had already blessed me with. I am SO lucky and God is SO good. I had a natural miscarriage 6 days later at home. I know that God has a plan and that this was not some random event that happened to us. He is in control and I give Him all the praise and all the glory! He is my Comforter, Deliverer, Merciful Sustainer. I love Him, my wonderful, amazing hubby and beautiful wonderful children more than words can begin to say! Thank you Jesus, that you always know our needs and provide!

First Day of School going TO school.

Princess KG started Kindergarten. She was very excited and oh so adorably cute in her uniform! We had Orientation on a Saturday morning, then the first day of school the following Monday. She wasn't upset or scared. I, on the other hand, was a basket case. My BABY was going to school. Thankfully, I only teared up on the way and she never saw me and I managed to make it to the exit of the school parking lot before I burst into tears. I.was.pitiful!!!! (to say the least) We made it through two weeks of school. Her Dad & I just didn't have peace about it. We had been struggling with the prospect of homeschooling throughout the spring and summer before school started. I was afraid and unsure. After much prayer, we felt that God was leading us to homeschool our children. So, we ordered the materials and withdrew from school. We LOVE having school at home! It is amazing to watch my kids learn and be a major instrument in that process! Princess KF sits and learns with us too. We memorize Scripture, are learning to read and write in Cursive. We have Phonics, Handwriting, Numbers, Art, Music, Social Studies and Science. After surrendering to the Lord's leading, an immediate peace followed! Princess KG's first report card was A's!! I'm so proud of my babies!! Here are pictures of Princess KG's Orientation Day, First Day of School & Breakfast - Daddy's Pancakes! Nothing starts the day like Daddy's Pancakes!! YUMMM!

...and still more! Enjoy!

Including, but not limited to...the new scooter toy Princess KF got on her birthday, new nightgowns bought when shopping with Mimi & overall gooey adorable sweetness!!!

More Pictures from Mimi & G-Dad's visit!

Princess KF's 4th Birthday complete with a visit from Mimi & G-Dad!!

My baby turned 4 this year..where DOES the time go??? I was just bringing her little bitty self home from the hospital last week, or so it seems! Gosh, I love my kids!! I am truly blessed beyond belief, understanding and amazement! God is totally awesome!!!! We celebrated Princess KF's birthday with a Tinkerbell cake (which I made) and a party with the grandparents! She loaded up on the presents...let me tell ya! She finally got the green Leapster 2 she'd been wanting and an awesome Tinkerbell house and Princess blanket and pillow!

While Mimi & G-Dad were here visiting, I took Mimi & the girls to the South Fork Ranch. Would you believe we went in for the tour and left the side door on the van open the ENTIRE time??!?!! Thankfully, everyone there was honest and nothing was missing! The facility itself was kinda disappointing...not what we thought it would have been...but it was still great fun spending time together! We had a meal at Saltgrass and went to Bass Pro Shop one night too. We were all so glad they came for a visit...they got to see the house and where we're living. We're hoping they decide to come back for another visit soon!!!!


Shame on me, I know, for being so behind in these posts. I have a lot to catch up on. We'll start with our trip to the Circus. Nanny and Paw-Paw were so kind to buy us all tickets to go..and of course, buy their girls some goodies too! It was fun. This was the girls 2nd Circus adventure...the first of which we took great pictures at a few years ago only to lose our camera at the Circus on the way out!!! This time we managed to make it home with everything we took! HA! The girls had a blast!!