Sunday, June 21, 2009

Oh...the humanity!!! is a little dose of humor for ya. Saturday night, Mac and I were sitting in the office after the girls went to bed checking our Facebooks/email/work. Both of us happily sitting together minding our business when...WHAMMO! I got smacked in the nose with an awful stench. At first, I was thinking.."ok, I know I've been outside some and haven't had my shower today, but really..I cannot smell like that". So, I sat there a few minutes trying not to gag from the smell. Next thing I know, Mac is sniffing as he's sitting in his chair. This is swiftly followed up with him saying "Do you su-mell that?!?!?! What IS that??" Mind you, we were in the house with all of the windows and doors closed and the smell was fast filling up the house. We soon came to the conclusion, that somewhere (VERY close by), a skunk had been disturbed! Further investigation led us to the back yard, where we discovered that the dog had been sprayed!!! You cannot imagine the stench!! Well, maybe you can, but I promise it HAD to be worse than what you're imagining!!!! IT.WAS.AWFUL - so thick you could almost taste it!! YUCK! The only positive after figuring out the dog was "stankin", was coming back into the house to realize it didn't smell as bad as we originally thought - because we had been to smell the source!!! LOL Today, we walked into the back yard and determined that the POO (Point of Origin) of the smell was dead in the center of the yard. Slowly, it is diminishing...but not nearly quick enough if you ask me.

Happy Father's Day!

Thank you so much to the wonderful Dads in my life!

To my Dad - Thank you for being my support through the years. Thank you for the time you spent with me and the time you now spend with my children. Thank you for all the hard work you put in through the years, your mercy and love. I could never repay you for all you have done! I strive to be patient and understanding like you and hope to impart to my children some of the same life lessons you taught me. My children are lucky you are their Paw-Paw!

To my 2nd Dad (my father-in-law) - I am so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for all you do for us. Thank you for raising such a wonderful son, you taught him so many things throughout his life. You are a wise, kind, loving, giving man and I appreciate you more than you know! You have my utmost respect. My children are lucky you are their G-Dad!

To my Big Mac - Thank you thank you thank you for all that you do and for who you are! Your love and sacrifice for this family on a daily basis is overwhelming! You are such a wonderful Dad to our children! Thank you for putting us first. You amaze me daily and our kids are blessed beyond measure to have you for their Daddy! Thank you for your dedication, your love, and your patience. You Are Awesome!!!

To the three of you, I hope you have had a wonderful Father's Day today. I love all of you more than I could ever say. You all are marvelous examples of faith for me and my children to see. Please know you are in my heart all the time!!! I am truly blessed!!

I Love You.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Who knew??

We went to buy the swings and hardware for the swingset last night. Goooood Grief...who knew they cost so stinking much? Big Mac and I sure didn't! Talk about shock and awe!!!!! (I just realized I sound like my father-in-law, whom I love dearly and is a very wise man!) It ended up being $200 to install 3 swings ?!?!?!- yes, I said 3. I mean, is only swings for goodness sake. On another note...gas is up to $2.57/gallon of regular gas here as of this morning. Summer comes and gas prices soar!! GRRRR. Criminy....& Pete! Alright, I'm recovered now, just needed to vent. Hope everyone has a blessed day!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Our Summer Project

First, let me say I have been terrible about updating this blog lately! Shame on me, I have GOT to do better. We have been so busy working on the swing set and I have been too lazy to update it during the day - and that's the truth. Sad, isn't it. Our swing set is coming along marvelously though! The girls are too excited and they are loving it. They're quite the little helpers - sometimes offering a little too much help! I'm so proud and amazed at my husband as he builds this. He has no plans to go by - only a picture of the finished product. He built the ladder yesterday and did it perfectly! The top step is flush with the lower deck. He has routered (is that the correct terminology??-he used a router) all of the edges and sanded everything - making sure our girls and their friends will be safe safe safe when they play on it. He is such a wonderful man! As I type this, he's outside mowing, weed eating, and edging the grass. I don't deserve him - I'm so lucky! Thank you Jesus!!! Oh...Princess KG was promoted from the Preschool 4 Class to the Kindergarten 5 Sunday School class today. She was so excited about it and loves her new teacher and class. She came home today with a promotion certificate - my baby sure is growing up fast! On a side note, I have started to look for a job. Please agree with me in prayer that the right one will come along or that God will intervene some way and provide for me to continue to stay home. I appreciate your prayers. Now, I'll stop rambling and post some pictures of my husband's awesome handiwork! It isn't finished yet, but thought ya'll would enjoy seeing the progress that's been made. He's such a carpenter!!!! I'm smiling from ear to ear as I type this - I LOVE HIM!!!

Mother's Day 2009

I had a wonderful Mother's Day! The girls were so sweet, of course it was also Princess KG's Birthday. My Mom was so nice to ask the girls over the Friday before Mother's Day to spend the day with her. She did crafts with them all day (which they loved) and they made my Mother's Day presents too. The girls each made me a stepping stone and drew me a card, which Princess KG signed herself! - I will cherish them forever. I LOVE those girls and my son more than, more than, well, life itself! They are all so precious and such blessings!

My little Cubbies!!!

The girls finished Awanas on May 13th. They really enjoyed it and memorized all of the Scripture for the year. I am so proud of them both. They were really disappointed to find out Cubbies was over, but were excited to know they'll participate again next year! Here are a few pictures from Awards Night. Enjoy!