Thursday, June 9, 2011

Old news, new news...still news!

Well, a LOT has changed since I blogged last.  For starters, we have been blessed with a beautiful little girl, Princess KA.  She was born in October and has brought so much joy to our family!  The older girls love being big sisters!  I survived an emergency C-Section ~ my first surgery ever.  After going through that experience, I do not understand why anyone would choose to have a C-Section.  I would rather do it "the old-fashioned way" any day of the week!  Shortly after her arrival, Big Mac survived the birth of a kidney stone.  One day after being cleared to drive again, I was driving him to the ER.  That was an interesting experience for me to observe - I've never seen him so sick.  Big Mac's parents were able to come for a visit 2 weeks after Princess KA was born.  It was wonderful to see them.  The only negative was they didn't stay longer!  I began cloth diapering in January and have L.O.V.E.D. the experience!!  Modern cloth diapering is NOTHING at all like you think it is and NOTHING like it used to be when our parents and grandparents did it. 
We just completed our 2nd year of homeschool and K-5 and 1st Grade.  The girls did fabulous and had wonderful grades.  It is amazing to be SO involved with their education and watch them learn, and master, so many new things!  I will be teaching a 1st and 2nd grader in the fall.  Treyberg finished up his Junior year and is now a Senior and looking forward to the future and college.  We got a YorkiPoo dog in March 2010 named Scout. He shall henceforth be known as Sir Scout on the blog.  He is a MESS and definitely partial to Big Mac!!!  Speaking of Big Mac, he is still working from home and we've all adjusted to having a baby in the house again.  Princess KG and Princess KF finished up Awanas - Princess KF was Sparky Clubber of the Year, a Gymnastics Class, Ballet Class and Art Class.  They also did cheerleading in the fall for basketball and in the spring for flag football.  Both times were fun, but I enjoyed the spring session much better!  (Probably because it was outdoors, less crowded than the gym, and I wasn't pregnant.)  The last year has been a wonderful journey of love, laughs and mishaps - that is the tale of our lives!
We are enjoying the summer.  It sure did get hot in a hurry!!!  We sorta tried our hand at a garden this year, but didn't put too much effort into it.  The only thing that survived is Butternut Squash...I'm excited about that.  Let me clarify - I'm not excited that that is the only thing growing, but I am excited that SOMETHING is growing!  Princess KG just turned 7 and has lost 8 teeth.  Princess KF will be 6 in August and has lost 0 teeth.  Princess KA is 7 months old and has cut 4 teeth in 2 weeks and 2 days.  Lots of cranky going on around here!  The girls will be going to Nanny Camp 2011 soon and Can.Not.Wait!  I will not know what to do with myself, I'm sure.  Big Mac and I have embarked on the weight loss journey together once again.  We want to be healthy for ourselves and our kids.  This time it hasn't seemed to be as hard as other times we've tried; maybe we were just both really ready.  My Mom so graciously gave me her old sewing machine - I can't wait to try my hand at it and get crafty again!  My to-do list just keeps growing.  The girls are enrolled in Dance - Ballet and Tap - for the fall.  I am excited to see them doing their thing!  That's enough rambling for now....dinner must be made, and that's my job so I better hop to it!!

Love and sunshine!!

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