Monday, November 23, 2009

First Day of School going TO school.

Princess KG started Kindergarten. She was very excited and oh so adorably cute in her uniform! We had Orientation on a Saturday morning, then the first day of school the following Monday. She wasn't upset or scared. I, on the other hand, was a basket case. My BABY was going to school. Thankfully, I only teared up on the way and she never saw me and I managed to make it to the exit of the school parking lot before I burst into tears. I.was.pitiful!!!! (to say the least) We made it through two weeks of school. Her Dad & I just didn't have peace about it. We had been struggling with the prospect of homeschooling throughout the spring and summer before school started. I was afraid and unsure. After much prayer, we felt that God was leading us to homeschool our children. So, we ordered the materials and withdrew from school. We LOVE having school at home! It is amazing to watch my kids learn and be a major instrument in that process! Princess KF sits and learns with us too. We memorize Scripture, are learning to read and write in Cursive. We have Phonics, Handwriting, Numbers, Art, Music, Social Studies and Science. After surrendering to the Lord's leading, an immediate peace followed! Princess KG's first report card was A's!! I'm so proud of my babies!! Here are pictures of Princess KG's Orientation Day, First Day of School & Breakfast - Daddy's Pancakes! Nothing starts the day like Daddy's Pancakes!! YUMMM!

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