Monday, November 23, 2009

God has blessed me abundantly!

I am so thankful for the blessings in my life. There are times in life when certain things happen that you just can't help but stop and realize just how good you have it. Recently, Big Mac & I were overjoyed to find out we were pregnant again. We had hoped to have more children...they are truly a blessing from the Lord and we aren't getting any younger either! I was sure it was going to be a boy this time, I was struggling with the nausea a LOT worse than with my other two. At 8 weeks & 3 days, we were diagnosed with a blighted ovum...there was no baby. I had been pregnant, but the baby was absorbed by my body, probably due to a chromosomal abnormality per the dr. Through it all, God was with me every step of the way. As I sat in the dr's office waiting for my ultrasound, I just knew something was probably not right. Song after song of God's goodness and mercy flooded through my mind as if He was preparing me, holding me, sustaining me with His unending mercy and love. Sure enough, my fears were confirmed, but all I could think of were the two beautiful little girls that God had already blessed me with. I am SO lucky and God is SO good. I had a natural miscarriage 6 days later at home. I know that God has a plan and that this was not some random event that happened to us. He is in control and I give Him all the praise and all the glory! He is my Comforter, Deliverer, Merciful Sustainer. I love Him, my wonderful, amazing hubby and beautiful wonderful children more than words can begin to say! Thank you Jesus, that you always know our needs and provide!

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